0418 884 587 info@vendingqld.com.au

Corporate Vending Machine

With increasing demand for world-class coffees, breakrooms and pantries. We take pride in providing the highest quality of service and ensure that the products we offer evolve with current trends and tastes. We offer clients a hassle-free and complete vending solution for any requirement they may have – from machines in an institution to coffee corners offering a full suite of food and beverages.

Corporate & Business Vending Machines

Business or Corporate Canteen

A vending solution can provide a convenient, self-funding service for staff, or possibly a service which is able to fund the work social club.

There are a few options you may consider in providing a service for your staff;

  • with subsidised food and beverage,
  • producing a profitable alternate revenue stream for your business,
  • or with the profits subsidising staff social club activities.

These solutions can also assist with your Staff Health and Wellbeing program by enabling you to stock healthier options, including low-sugar variants, organic products and gluten-free items.

Enhanced Revenue and Customer Service

Businesses that have customer’s visiting the business premises, have an opportunity to provide a service in the same way that can be provided for a Business or Corporate Canteen. Customer service needs to be consistently good to be effective and by providing access to convenient snacks and beverages your business will be providing a value added service to your customers.

Token options are available which allow businesses to provide customers with tokens for a free beverage or snack where appropriate. This allows the business to provide a simple, easily managed solution for customer reward or compensation. Tokens can be provided with maximum vend values.

Some situations where a vending solution may be appropriate are;

  • Customers waiting for service to be completed e.g. automotive service or tyre service.
  • a relatively large amount of foot traffic passing or entering the premises.
  • a customer base consisting largely of blue collar workers who are almost twice as likely to want access to snack and beverage services as white collar workers.


Convenience Store Vending

Save on wages by operating a Convenience Store based entirely of self-serve vending!

 Alternatively, if your retail business does not operate 24/7 you can also extend your customer service hours through a vending solution.

Select products can be made available after hours when your traditional full-service retail outlet is closed. Your customers lead busy lives, and you should be able to provide service to them when they require it. Convenience Store Vending is particularly suited to businesses in areas with little 24/7 competition or where thee product range is differentiated from competitors and where 24/7 full service operation is not cost effective.

Get a Free Vending Machine

Make a difference to your business with a Vending machine. Get in touch today and we’ll work with you to find the solution that best suits your location and customers.